
Passionate about the field of health, and particularly the holistic approach to it, I offer therapeutic treatments and activities that have in common the desire to accompany you on your life path and your path to healing and self-knowledge.

 Like a seed that germinates and then matures and blossoms, my treatments create a safe space for your body to activate its own resources on your path to healing and well-being.

 In a calm and welcoming environment in Geneva, come and discover the support and approaches I can offer you. Or contact me to define together the approach that best suits your needs.




Biodynamic Craniosacral


Visceral massage 


Cupping Therapy


Cellular awarenes


Family Constellations


« A wonderful discovery!

In December, I had the good fortune of meeting Gilles and discovering Shiatsu somewhat by chance, as I had been experiencing stress and anxiety for several months, with physical respiratory symptoms in particular.

Instinctively, Gilles knew how to find tensions and knots, and by laying on his hands and applying pressure, sometimes light but often more insistent depending on the area, I felt all my tensions melt away, my anxiety subside, and my energy flow. Discreet and sensitive, attentive and non-judgmental, Gilles is truly “in touch”, open to and knowledgeable about different trends and current approaches to managing all kinds of ailments. His approach is holistic yet personalised, his attitude professional yet connected, his mouvements precise while working to promote our well-being.

I hope you find Gilles on your path, and experience Shiatsu as a truly holistic approach, with both immediate and long-term benefits – and this is its richness – on our body and mind. »


« I wasn’t particularly familiar with shiatsu, and thanks to Gilles I’ve discovered the many benefits of this therapeutic approach, which combines deep relaxation with a feeling of fulfilment. After the sessions, I fall into a deep sleep, my tensions disappear and I feel calm and soothed. »


« Suffering from psoriatic spondylitis for the past ten years, I’ve looked for solutions in many different areas. For some time, I found relief in medication. Convinced that this was not the only solution and that I needed to develop a “toolbox” as a long-term alternative, I decided to explore other ways of treating myself.

It was in this context that I discovered Shiatsu. For me, each session represents a real moment of work, which I carry out hand in hand with the therapist. These moments are precious because they allow me to take the time to listen to myself, to receive advice and to share my feelings. The benefits of each session can be immediate, or appear the next day: greater serenity, pain relief and physical relaxation.

I particularly appreciate Gilles’ calmness, his attentiveness, his professionalism and the quality of his follow-up. I trust him, and Shiatsu is now an indispensable part of my “toolbox” ».


« In these times, when it’s so easy to forget ourselves, there’s nothing better than a session with Gilles, whose treatments helps our bodies to rebalance and recharge. »


« I turned to Gilles when I was going through a very stressful situation that was causing me physical tension and insomnia. Gilles has a very holistic approach, is very attentive to the person’s feelings and is particularly good at detecting physical tension. His massage helps to release and rebalance energies, which is soothing and energizing, both physically and emotionally. Gilles also offers pertinent suggestions for exercises (movements, stretching, breathing…) to do at home, to prolong the effects of the sessions. His massages were very beneficial.

Many thanks for your care! »


« Thank you Gilles, for your attentive listening and your treatments which were always beneficial and perfectly adapted. Your personalized advice was very useful to me. »

Gilles Humbert-Prince

Shiatsu practitioner
ASCA and RME certified